Are you hosting the holidays at your Katy home this year? As your Katy real estate agent, I’m here to help you prepare! Here is a list to guide you along. You’ve still got a week, you can do this! The more you can prepare ahead of time, the more quality time you can spend with your guests.
1. Declutter. Time is limited, so this isn’t like decluttering before a home sale. Leave the closets and inside of cabinets alone, just declutter the public areas and guest rooms. Make room in the foyer closet for coats or shoes, remove clutter from guest bedrooms, organize toys in bins, etc.
2. Add lighting. It’s wise to invest in some nightlights for the bathroom, kitchen, guest rooms, or anywhere your guests might wander during the night. Motion-activated lighting outside is smart as well, as guests will come or go after the sun has set.
3. Prepare bathrooms and sleeping spaces. Bathrooms will need to be cleaned whether guests are just visiting or staying overnight. Give them a good cleaning, remove clutter from counters, fill a basket with items a guest may need and place on countertop, and have extra toilet paper visible. Clean and prepare towels. Clean and prepare sheets, blankets and pillows. Have extra blankets available if guests get cold.
4. Set up a breakfast station. If you have overnight guests staying, and you’re cooking a meal for the holidays, you won’t want to worry about breakfast as well! Set up a coffee station and cereal, pastries or whatever is easy to grab and eat. Have bowls, plates, mugs and silverware out so guests don’t have to go through all of your cabinets to find these items.
5. Clean the kitchen. Every house guest will be making a trip into the kitchen at some point. Clean, clear away clutter on counters and tables, clean inside the refrigerator and microwave, and remove any old food or condiments in the fridge to make more space. Run the dishwasher so you have all of your dishware available and ready. Buy and prepare any food ahead of time that you can, so you’ll have less to do on the actual day.
6. Hand out jobs. Don’t try to do everything on your own! Get the family involved, giving each person a job. (Some could be fun, like picking out a holiday playlist, or wrapping gifts.) Let your guests bring food dishes, beverages or desserts. Cookies, for example, are easy to transport and one less thing for you to worry about.
This season is all about spending time with loved ones and being grateful. Don’t stress too much, your guests know it’s a lot of work to host and will just be grateful that you are! As your Katy real estate agent, I hope you have a wonderful holiday with friends or family! Contact me when ready to achieve your Katy real estate market goals, now or in the New Year.
Mickie Cioccia
Mickie C and Company Realty
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