Are you ready to sell your Katy home? Take a moment to consider how much you know about the appraisal process. Many Katy home sellers fall for appraisal myths that are not accurate. An appraisal can help you understand why your house should be listed for more or less than the similar home down the…
Celebrate Halloween in Katy, TX!
Halloween is coming up next week, with a slew of Halloween events taking place this weekend in Katy, TX. As your Katy real estate agent, allow me to fill you in on how to celebrate the holiday this week in Katy, so all you have to do is finish up costume details, mark your calendar…
Why to Use Agent When Selling Your Katy Home
If you’re ready to sell your Katy home, you might wonder if you should use an agent or not. You might be reading reports about how it’s a seller’s market, with inventory low, buyer demand high and home prices/sales rising. You might decide that means you can save the money on using an agent, and just sell your…
Enjoy These Fall Activities in Katy, TX!
We are in the midst of the fall season here in Katy, TX, and while we don’t usually get crisp fall temperatures, we still have plenty of fall activities to enjoy throughout the area! As your Katy real estate agent, allow me to fill you in on what’s coming up, so that you and your family…
Clean Your Home Fast As a Katy Home Seller
Are you ready to sell your Katy home this fall? As a Katy home seller, you will need to prepare your home for a sale. This means you need to declutter, depersonalize, deep clean and stage your home to sell. As your Katy real estate agent, I can help you through each of these processes…
Back-To-School Activities in Katy, TX!
Back-to-school time is hectic for everyone in Katy, TX. Parents run around, picking up forgotten school supplies and new clothes, kids find their way around new schools and meet new teachers and classmates, and everyone in the family readjusts their schedules to fit everyone else’s needs. As your Katy real estate agent, I want to…
What to Know About Credit Scores as a Katy Homebuyer
Do you want to buy a Katy home but aren’t sure if your credit score is high enough? As a Katy real estate agent, allow me to fill you in on some details you should know before applying for a mortgage. As mentioned in a recent article, many factors go into getting a mortgage,…
Mark Your Calendar with August Events in Katy, TX!
Do you feel like summer is flying by in Katy? August is the last month to enjoy summer events before the kids go back to school. Take advantage of the sun, heat and local festivities while you can! As your Katy real estate agent, I’ve put together this list of events taking place this month…
Should You Buy A Katy Home Now?
Whether you’re gearing up to buy a Katy home for the first time, or you’re thinking about selling your home and moving into a new home, you might be wondering if now is the time for you to buy. Only you and your family can make that decision, but as your Katy real estate agent,…
Katy Events to Enjoy This July
Summer flies by once 4th of July weekend is over! Time to plan the rest of your month here in Katy, TX, to ensure you make the most of summer. To help you plan, as your Katy real estate agent, I’ve supplied you with a list of upcoming events to look forward to. As a…