Happy New Year! Is your 2018 new year’s resolution to finally buy a Katy, TX home? Have you been considering it for a while but are finally going to do it this year? As a Katy real estate agent, I am happy and eager to help you out! Whether you want to buy this winter…
Hurricane Harvey Benefit Concert in Katy, TX
As we all prepare for the holiday parties we’ll be hosting or attending in the coming week, let’s take a moment to be grateful for our Katy and Houston area homes, and to remember those who lost their homes this year to Hurricane Harvey. As your Katy real estate agent, I’d like to fill you…
Reasons for Selling Your Katy Home During the Holidays
If your Katy home is currently listed, or you’d like to list it during the holiday season, contact me! As your Katy real estate agent, I am always available to help you with your home-selling and/or home-buying needs. The Katy real estate market never pauses, so why should you put your dreams on hold if…
Holiday Events to Mark in Your Katy, TX Calendar!
Happy Holidays! With Thanksgiving tomorrow, and holiday events pouring in after, it’s safe to say that we’re officially into the holiday season. In the next couple of weeks, you’ve got some great opportunities to get in the festive spirit with family or friends. Head out to some of these events coming up in the Katy,…
Katy, TX Home-Buying Facts
Are you thinking about buying a Katy home this fall season? Will this be your first home purchase? As first-time buyers begin to consider homeownership, it can seem like a daunting task, or worse, impossible. Perhaps you think you don’t have enough of a down payment saved, or you won’t qualify for a mortgage, or…
Fall Events to Enjoy in Katy, TX This Week!
From pumpkins and food trucks, to costumes and jousting, there is something for everyone this last week of October in Katy, TX! As your Katy real estate agent, I am here to bring you a list of the best events and activities coming up in Katy and the surrounding area. Many are related to Halloween,…
What Katy Homeowners Need To Know After Harvey
If you are wondering how Hurricane Harvey will impact the local Katy real estate market, or you’re looking for information about FEMA, you’ve come to the right place! As your Katy real estate agent, I’d like to share some helpful information with you, and provide you with links where you can learn more. Harvey is…
Move Up To Your Katy, TX Dream Home Now!
If you bought a starter home years ago, now may be the ideal time for you to sell and move up to your dream home in Katy, TX. Are you ready to grow a family and need more space? Do you want to relocate to a nicer neighborhood? Do you crave more luxurious features? No…
Fall Events Coming Up in Katy, TX
The kids are back in school and fall is officially beginning, but the fun never ends in Katy, TX! As your Katy real estate agent, I love keeping you updated with the latest community events on my blog. Check back often! These events are a great way to spend quality time with your family or…
How to Help Flood Victims in Katy, TX
Hurricane Harvey blew through Katy, TX and the greater Houston area this week, causing devastating flooding, deaths, injuries and damage to the area. My heart goes out to all affected victims. Within the City of Katy, water coated parts of Highway 90 and flooded local homes and businesses. There are still several locations along the…